Forward 2020

Well, January, here we are again. A stunning number of things have happened since the last time we met. I spent the year of 2019 in discovery. And I liked it. I won’t bore you with the details. I found many of the discoveries were just me facing my truths. A big one is my inertia. I’m a thinker. I love to sit and think. Often this translates to writing, but not always. And almost never when I want it to! Thinking is relaxing for me. I sort out the day, my feelings, to-do lists, plan my days and get excited about what’s coming next. Before I know it, it’s time to move on and my to-dos aren’t getting to-done. This lack of execution is not new and hardly unique to me. It has never really bothered me until I stopped working full time. When I was working I had reasons creating wasn’t happening. Busy. Remember, busy? Now I have the luxury of free time. Unstructured free time. Time that meanders from this to that, exploring, revealing, and not to-doing. I enjoy meandering, meandering creates space and breathes life into ideas. And now I would like to meander to somewhere. Produce something. I don’t want to get lost meandering and lose the gift of time to create.

So, this year will be about moving forward. Even an inch. Moving forward towards the to-dos that mean something. I’m writing a book. Did you know that? I am! In the days, weeks and months of 2020, I will be moving forward in writing. Even if it’s a paragraph at a time. And while I don’t do resolutions, I am asking myself each day, “Did I move forward today?”

In my meanderings the other day I saw a quote that felt like a framework for forward…

And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.

Libba Bray from The Sweet Far Thing

One moment at a time. This is how I shall move forward. One moment at a time.

Shout out to Anne Lamott and Irish Whiskey for writing inspiration.

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